Our Wheelchair and Golf Cart Ramps are built extra stong using 3 support stringers, several cross braces hung with joist hangers. They come in various widths and lengths from 4-10 feet (see our garden bridge pages for available lengths). If you require a ramp longer than 10 feet or wider than 48 inches in width please call for a price quote.
We can make these ramps flat or with a slight incline. Theses ramps are assembled with galvanized hardware to prevent rust and are strong enough to hold up to 400 lbs. You will be provided with your choice of flat, round or gothic caps upon ordering and we can also weather treat or stain the ramp if your prefer.
See our Order Form to order a wheel chair or golf ramp by postal mail or click on the buttons below to order them online or feel free to place an order by phone: Daytime: 7AM to 7 PM 479-243-0375, Nights and Weekends: 479-234-0068.

Wheelchair and Golf Ramp
These Wheelchair Ramps and/or Golf Ramps have double rails and built super strong. These ramps can also be used as Golf Cart or Wheelchair Bridges over a small creek or pond. The bridge pictured to the left was shipped to Fairmont, Nebraska.
Please call us at the numbers at the top of the page to order these items.
4 foot x 40 inches wide
6 foot x 48 inches wide
8 foot x 48 inches wide
10 foot x 48 inches wide
This Wheelchair Ramp and/or Golf Cart Ramp is 14 ft long X 5 ft wide. It has 3 supports, 4 ft tall posts and double handrails. This bridge is built out of Red Cedar, will hold about 1500 lbs. and has a slight incline at each end. These ramps or bridges can be built up to 20 feet long (call for pricing). Free weather sealing and shipping included.
14 foot long x 5 feet wide
Please call us at one of the numbers at the top of the page to order one of these items.